Thursday, 21 February 2013

Upcoming Events

Good day all:

Just a quick note to let you know what is coming up for the Estevan Rotary Club.

We are in full swing gathering items for our 50th Annual Rotary Live Auction which is slated for Thursday, March 21, 2013 at the Estevan Shoppers' Mall.  We will need Rotarians there that afternoon to help set up.  Please contact Dennis B if you need more information. 

Cory P and Charles O are eagerly awaiting their PETS training that they are attending on March 15-17 in Russell, Manitoba.

For our next meeting on Feb 26, 2013 our registration desk is Cody S and Laurel B.  Our greeters for the meeting will be Raj S and Tim S while delivering our Rotary Minute will be Donna F. 

If you missed our Feb 19, meeting you missed an opportunity to listen to our latest short term exchange student who spent a month in the south part of Germany.  She shared her experience and several pictures in a very good presentation. 

Currently we have a GSE team from our district traveling in India.  If you wish to follow their experience, you can follow them on twitter at or their blog site at

We are still looking for a couple Rotarians that wish to host the incoming GSE team from India in May.  All they need is a room to sleep for a few nights and a meal or two.  It is a very good experience to expand your knowledge about India as well as the role Rotary plays world wide.  If you are interested in hosting a team member, please let Kim M or Charles O know and they will get you more information about dates and times.