Friday, 18 March 2011

Rotary Auction is on March 31

Our 48th annual Rotary Auction will take place on Thursday, March 31 at the Estevan Shoppers Mall. Browsing will begin at 5 p.m. and the auction will start at 6 p.m.
Our auction is one of our top fundraisers of the year. This year we have collected about $19,000 worth of merchandise, and another $5,000 in gift certificates. So this year's auction should once again be the "Best Ever!"
The auction has enjoyed excellent support from the business community. We have something from just about everyone, and we'll have something for almost everyone.
Merchandise will cover everything from clothing to jewelry, while the gift certificates range from oil changes to eye exams.
Proceeds from our auction will go to Rotary projects in the community.
A few volunteers will be needed to help set up the merchandise and the gift certificates in the afternoon of March 31, and then many people will be needed to help out with the auction that night.

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